0:00 - Introduction; employment; and correspondence with wife while overseas
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2:28 - First impressions of Japan
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5:40 - Japan II
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8:41 - Japan III- interactions with citizens
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11:43 - Civil Information and Education Division (CIE) assignment; and discussing high school speech
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14:46 - High school speech II; and CIE II
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17:23 - CIE III; and discussing barter system
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19:33 - CIE IV- discussing Lieutenant
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22:16 - CIE V- discussing mentors
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25:04 - Discussing brother-in-law; and friendships
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28:22 - Friendships II; and CIE VI
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31:01 - CIE VII- discussing education in Japan
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33:51 - CIE VIII
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36:21 - Discussing the Purge in Japan
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39:22 - CIE IX- interactions with Japanese citizens
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41:42 - Discussing parents and grammar school
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44:17 - Grammar school II; and high school
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47:11 - High school II; and preparation for CIE
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48:56 - Purge II; and discussing African American soldiers
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51:52 - African American soldiers II; and loyalty to United States
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