0:00 - Thoughts about the war; and discussing Japanese civilians
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3:00 - Discussing the Kempeitai
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5:52 - Kempeitai II
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7:17 - Discussing Hiroshima bombing
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9:38 - Father and uncle's thoughts about the war
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11:42 - Discussing atomic bomb
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13:04 - Emperor's message and the Potsdam Declaration
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15:38 - End of the war in Japan
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17:41 - End of the war II
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19:29 - Discussing United States occupation of Japan
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21:46 - Occupation II- seeing a friend from Hawaii
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24:52 - Occupation III- seeing a friend II
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27:41 - Occupation IV- seeing friend III
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30:47 - Discussing petition for reinstatement; and job at Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD)
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32:58 - CCD II; and Army food
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36:12 - Postwar Japan- civilians and goods
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39:07 - Civilians and goods II
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40:54 - Duties at Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD)
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44:04 - Duties II; and reasons why CCD existed
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47:06 - Reasons II and duties III
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50:18 - Duties IV; and mother's repatriation
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