0:00 - Introduction- background
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3:00 - Mother's background
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5:53 - The Great Depression
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8:24 - Moving to Hawaii
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11:24 - Moving to Hawaii II
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14:25 - Learning the Hawaiian culture
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16:46 - Keeping up with world news
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19:26 - Keeping up with world news II
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22:15 - Sibling's background
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24:56 - High School
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27:55 - High School II, Pearl Harbor
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30:54 - Pearl Harbor II
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33:55 - Pearl Harbor III
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36:26 - Pearl Harbor IV
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39:33 - Aftermath of Pearl Harbor
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42:40 - Aftermath of Pearl Harbor II
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45:26 - Aftermath of Pearl Harbor III
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48:27 - Aftermath of Pearl Harbor IV
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51:15 - Aftermath of Pearl Harbor V
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54:38 - Aftermath of Pearl Harbor VI
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57:02 - Germany in Greece
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