0:00 - Introduction / Surrender of Japan -- Emperor of Japan's radio broadcast
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Keywords: commission; Emperor of Japan; General MacArthur; headquarters; invasion of Japan; Japan's surrender; Japanese Americans; Japanese people; language aide; Manila; morale; Occupation of Japan; radio broadcast; suicide; surrender; War Correspondence
4:04 - Childhood -- Schooling and martial arts training in Japan / Personal impact of Emperor of Japan's surrender speech
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7:36 - Translated captured documents at General MacArthur Headquarters / Seeing Mount Fuji during the Invasion of Japan
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10:33 - General MacArthur's arrival at Atsugi Air Base / Atsugi Air Base -- Reunited with middle school classmate
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14:42 - Reaction of Japanese civilians to American soldiers / Stationed in Yokohama
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18:34 - Reunion with classmate during Occupation of Japan / Niseis left behind in Japan during World War II
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Keywords: Atsugi Air Base; classmate; defeated countryp; invasion; invasion of Japan; Japanese Americans; Japanese soldier; Kempeitai; Military Police; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; occupation; Occupation of Japan; PX; ration; rice; traitor; wartime experience
22:12 - Training with Japanese ROTC challenged American loyalty / Japanese civilians showed acceptance towards American soldiers during Occupation
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Keywords: A-bomb; acceptance; American citizen; American citizenship; American soldiers; Americans of Japanese Ancestry; atomic bomb; dual citizenship; Hiroshima; Japanese Army; Japanese citizens; Kendo; loyalty; Nisei; occupation; Occupation of Japan; ROTC; Samurai Sword; US Army uniform; wartime
27:07 - Witnessed official surrender of Japan aboard the USS Missouri
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Keywords: Allied countries; artillery; Atsugi Air Base; battleships; defeated country; destroyer; disgrace; General MacArthur; Japan's surrender; Japanese delegation; surrender; Tokyo Bay; US Navy; USS Missouri; War Correspondence; wife; Yokohama Harbor
35:27 - Reasons for volunteering to be sent overseas to the Pacific Theater
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38:49 - Occupation of Japan -- Assigned to show War Correspondence newspaper reporters around Japan / Interview with a Japanese Admiral
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43:13 - Responsibilities of a translator
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46:30 - Other assignments as a Language Aide / Beginning of labor movement in Japan
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Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: American civilians; American influence; CIA; Communists; Hiroshima; interpreter; Japanese government; labor movement; labor strike; labor union; Language Aide; liaison; militarism; Military Police; Nisei; occupation; Occupation of Japan; translation; translator; War Correspondence