0:03 - Graduated from Yale Law School -- Returned to Hawaii / Married his wife after becoming a licensed lawyer -- Pursued law career

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: City Attorney's Office; court houses; engaged; GI Bill; Hawaii; job opportunities; judges; law career; law clerks; law firms; law school; lawyer; Mainland; marriage; New York; Nisei; Nisei lawyers; private practice; Supreme Court; Supreme Court judge; Washington D.C.; Yale Law School


8:49 - Started own Arbitration Private Practice in 1959 / Union collective bargaining

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Keywords: arbitration; arbitrator; collective bargaining; family; financial support; judge; Labor Relations Act; lawyer; private practice; union


15:12 - Growth of Unions in Hawaii resulted in growth of arbitration

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: arbitration; Collective Bargaining Law; economic growth; employees; Federal Government; Fort Shafter; Hawaii; Labor Relations Act; law career; Pearl Harbor; union


17:07 - Impact of statehood on Hawaii

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: First Class Citizens; Hawaii; Hawaiians; investment; military; Second Class Citizens; State; statehood; tourism; travel industry; United States; veteran organizations


21:22 - Nisei contribution to politics in post-war Hawaii

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Democratic Party; Democrats; Hawaii; Japanese Americans; John Byrnes; Nisei; Nisei veteran; political activism; political leaders; politics; post-war; Republican Party; Senator Daniel Inouye; statehood; Unions; veteran organizaitons


27:41 - Involvement in Political Movement of Hawaii -- Misidentified as a Republican

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: delegate; Hawaii; Joe Farrington; John Brynes; law school; Mainland; Nisei; political activism; politics; Republican; summer job


32:24 - Nisei involvement in politics-- Contributions of Nadao Yoshinaga

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Big Five; contributions; country; Hawaii; law school; medical school; Nadao Yoshinaga; Nisei; Nisei veterans; plantations; political involvement; political leaders; politics; public health; Republicans; veterans


36:11 - Labor Unions in Hawaii -- Creation of racial diversity

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Asian American; Hawaii; intermarriage; Japanese Americans; Labor Unions; multiracial; post-war; pre-war; pure race; racial diversity; racial group; Unions


40:25 - Political differences between veterans of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Battalion

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: 100th Infantry Battalion; 442nd Regimental Combat Team; Big Five; Democrats; Hawaii; Nisei; Nisei veterans; political activism; politics; post-war; Republican; Senator Daniel Inouye


45:39 - "Cane Fires" by Gary Okihiro describes effects of Martial Law

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: "Cane Fires"; book; December 7th; Gary Okihiro; Japanese American; Japanese threat; Martial Law; Pearl Harbor; US military


48:26 - Pre-war notion of Hawaii statehood -- American public's uncertainty of Nisei loyalty upon Japanese invasion

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: 1930's; Big Five; colony; Congress; enemy; Hawaii; imperialism; international affairs; Japan; Japanese Americans; Japanese invasion; Japanese militarism; Japanese population; legislation; loyalty; militarism; National Guard; Nisei; North Shore; Pearl Harbor; pre-war; statehood; sugar industry; tariffs; volunteer for service; volunteering


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