0:00 - Introduction
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2:43 - Family background
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5:53 - Growing up on Maui
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8:40 - Pearl Harbor
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11:30 - Joining the Army
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14:27 - Joining the Army II
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17:48 - Basic Training
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20:51 - Shipment overseas
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22:27 - First day of combat, hand wound
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25:09 - Bruyeres-Biffontaine
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28:14 - Bruyeres-Biffontaine II
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31:04 - Rescuing the Lost Battalion
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34:33 - Gothic Line
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37:41 - The end of the war
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40:27 - Back to the mainland
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43:46 - Career work, family background
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46:37 - Discussing training experiences
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49:54 - War experiences
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54:35 - War experiences II
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