0:00 - Recalls basic training
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Partial Transcript: Clarence and Robert say there are at Camp Shelby for one year. Replacements have shorter training about three weeks. Clarence explains his thoughts on being in a segregated unit. Besides training at Camp Shelby, they play war games. Clarence says the officers at basic training are all good instructors.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; Camp Shelby; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Japanese Americans; Mainland; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; segregated unit; World War Two
3:06 - Recalls Ted Tanouye (Tamayori)
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Partial Transcript: Clarence recalls meeting Ted Tanouye at Camp Shelby. Clarence is in K Company. Robert and Clarence explain why they have a large number in their unit. The unit can operate by itself as a team due because the unit resembles a mini military.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; basic training; Camp Shelby; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese Americans; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; platoon; segregated unit; World War Two
6:02 - Discusses duty; and Medal of Honor
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Partial Transcript: At Camp Shelby, Clarence is a rifleman, but overseas he is assigned to BAR. Robert discusses Barney Hajiro (M Company then transfer to I Company).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Camp Shelby; draft; friendship; Hawaiian soldiers; Italy; Japanese American soldiers; loyalty; medal; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; rifle; Southern France; World War Two
10:17 - Recalls POM (Nagata)
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Partial Transcript: Robert discusses notification of departure. He recalls the Preparation Operation Movement (POM) alert and shipping out within two months. When the Company arrives in France, Robert says they receive old equipment.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: artillery; France; Hawaiian soldiers; Italy; Japanese American soldiers; mortar; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; platoon; rifle; travel; World War Two
12:42 - Discusses France (Nagata)
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Partial Transcript: Robert goes overseas on the Liberty ship and lands in Naples. He discusses the equipment he receives to fight in the war. M Company tries to catch up with 100th Battalion.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 100th; 100th Infantry Battalion (Separate); 442nd; European Theater; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Naples; Nisei soldiers; World War Two
14:40 - Discuss overseas (Tamayori)
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Partial Transcript: Clarence discusses his departure to go overseas. He carries a rifle and one duffle bag. On the voyage, he spends most of the time on the top deck to avoid seasickness. He arrives in Naples and describes the scene.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; civilians; European Theater; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Naples; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; rifle; World War Two
17:21 - Recalls Naples (Tamayori)
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19:31 - Recalls first combat
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Partial Transcript: Clarence and Robert discuss seeing their first action when the 442nd is surrounded. The 100th comes to help the 442nd. Clarence explains military tactics.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 100th; 442nd; battle; European Theater; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; Southern France; World War Two
21:33 - Recalls KIA (Nagata)
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23:53 - Discusses company (Nagata)
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Partial Transcript: Robert discusses the difference between basic training and being in war. Robert's lieutenant is Lieutenant Welch. Robert is assign to M Company, 2nd Platoon, 7th Squad.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: European Theater; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Japanese Americans; Nisei; platoon; Southern France; World War Two
26:29 - Discuss artillery fire (Tamayori)
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Partial Transcript: Clarence discusses seeing his first dead German soldier and artillery fire. When Clarence is in battle, there is a lot of artillery fire, He is unable to fire because he could not see.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; European Theater; foxhole; front line; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; rifle; World War Two
28:51 - Discusses 100th; and Hill 140 I (Tamayori)
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Partial Transcript: Clarence discusses going from Anzio Beach to Rome to join the 100th. On the way to Hill 140, Clarence sees someone killed a sniper. Clarence shares his feeling about the experience. Clarence and his Company continue down and attack Hill 140.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; Anzio Beach; European Theater; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Japanese Americans; Killed in Action; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; platoon; World War Two
31:42 - Discusses Hill 140 II (Tamayori)
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Partial Transcript: Clarence recalls going to Hill 140. He describes the area and terrain. When Clarence reaches the top of the hill, he hears the German soldiers speaking. There are artillery fire and mortar shells. The German soldiers flee, and K Company occupies the hill (interview stops at 33:33, continues 33:46).
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: artillery fire; Cassino; European Theater; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; mortar; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; World War Two
33:44 - Recalls Hill 140 III (Tamayori)
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Partial Transcript: Clarence discusses going to the top of the ridge. Clarence is about 15 feet away from the German soldiers and artillery fire starts. Behind the hill, is a cliff and the only access point is where K Company originally comes up the hill. Clarence says he can hear the German sergeant yelling commands to the German soldiers. Besides the mortar fire, there is also artillery fire coming from the next hill over. The artillery fire continues for approximately half an hour.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; artillery fire; European Theater; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Japanese Americans; mortar; Nisei; Southern France; World War Two
36:36 - Recalls German soldiers (Tamayori)
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Partial Transcript: Clarence briefly discusses July 7, 1944, and Ted Tanouye. Clarence says Ted on a bigger hill and he is in a lower position. Clarence describes mortar fire and says the defense position is better for a counterattack. The battle is at night time and you cannot see anything. The next day, there are some killed in action or wounded.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; artillery; artillery fire; European Theater; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Killed in Action; mortar; Nisei soldiers; platoon; troop; World War Two
39:09 - Recalls KIA (Tamayori)
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Partial Transcript: Clarence recalls Takeda (Keibi) from his platoon is killed in action in Luciano, Italy. Clarence explains what zero in is. Takeda is killed by mortar fire. Some of the mortar fire also wounded the Medics.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Italy; Japanese American soldiers; Japanese Americans; mortar; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; platoon; World War Two
42:11 - Discuss Hill 140 (Nagata)
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Partial Transcript: Robert discusses his role at Hill 140. Robert says he supports the riflemen. The type of artillery Robert is carrying is a caliber machine gun. Robert says the gun is heavy. His next action is at Luciano, Italy. In Luciano, Robert is wounded by shrapnel.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; artillery fire; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; mortar; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; rifle
44:11 - Recalls wounded (Nagata)
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Partial Transcript: In Luciano, Robert is wounded by shrapnel. The Medic helps Robert and sends him to the aid station. After receiving treatment, Robert is on one month break.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Italy; Japanese American soldiers; Japanese Americans; Mainland soldiers; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; World War Two
46:24 - Recall mine training (Nagata)
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Partial Transcript: After Luciano, Robert has one month break to recover from his wound. M Company is having a mine demonstration and training. Robert says during the mine training some guys are killed. Robert and Clarence explain different types of mines such as teller mine and Schu-mine.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Italy; Japanese American soldiers; Japanese Americans; Nisei; World War Two
49:38 - Discusses German weapons
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Partial Transcript: Clarence and Robert discuss German weapons. Clarence says the 88 is a strong weapon. 88 is similar to a rifle and can hit a tank or airplane. Another German weapon is the automatic rifle.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; European Theater; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; rifle; World War Two
52:33 - Discusses American weapons
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Partial Transcript: Although the Germans have superior artillery weapons, Robert says the Germans are surprised by the American M-1. Clarence explains how the M-1 works.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; European Theater; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Nisei; rifle; World War Two
54:26 - Discusses wounded (Tamayori)
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Partial Transcript: At Luciano, Clarence is wounded and recovers after a month. Following Clarence's recovery, he goes to France. At this time the rescue of the Lost Battalion is taking place. Clarence shares he gets trench foot in the Vosges Mountains. Robert adds you cannot place your foot by the fire. It is very painful. Clarence receives penicillin for his trench foot. Robert refers the trench foot as a million-dollar-wound.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; artillery fire; foxhole; German soldiers; Hawaiian soldiers; Italy; Japanese American soldiers; Nisei; Southern France; trench foot; Vosges; World War Two