0:00 - Recalls volunteering
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Partial Transcript: Frank works at the restaurant for a month after hearing the Army is accepting Japanese American volunteers. Frank signs up to volunteer and returns to camp. George Owada takes his physical exam. At Minidoka, Frank's father works in the boiler room. Frank goes to look for his father to tell him the news. Frank says goodbye to his mother before going to Fort Douglas. At Fort Douglas, Frank gets his uniform and returns to camp. Later he goes to Camp Shelby.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: barracks; basic training; Camp Shelby; employment; Issei; Issei parents; Japanese Americans; Minidoka; Nisei; siblings
3:17 - Recalls segregation
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Partial Transcript: Frank discusses the treatment of African Americans in Mississippi. Frank shares some experiences he sees in Hattiesburg regarding segregation. The people in Hattiesburg are indifferent to the Japanese Americans in the South. Frank mentions Earl Finch. Frank never goes to his hardware store, but he says he hears nice things about Earl being kind to everyone.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Camp Shelby; discrimination; Japanese American soldiers; Japanese Americans; Nisei; prejudices; race discrimination; racism
6:31 - Recalls Hawaiian soldiers
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Partial Transcript: Franks discusses Hawaiian soldiers at Camp Shelby. He says there is often a division between the mainlanders and Hawaiian guys due to the Hawaiian's pidgin. The common name for mainlanders is "katonk." There are talks of disbandment of the Japanese American unit. One day someone coordinated the Hawaiian guys to visit a camp in Arkansas (Rohwer). Frank hears from Daniel Inouye the Hawaiian guys see firsthand how the Japanese Americans are being treated.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: "katonk"; Americans of Japanese Ancestry; Executive Order 9066; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Japanese Americans; Mainland; Mainland soldiers; Nisei; Rohwer; World War Two
10:22 - Discusses equipment; and squad
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Partial Transcript: Frank is a BAR man (Browning Automatic Riffle man), and he discusses what items he carries with him. In Frank's squad (first squad, 3rd platoon), there is George Uchimiya, Samatsu Oshiro, Kats Ibara, Gordon Yamashiro is squad leader (KIA), and Fujino from Hawaii.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Mainland soldiers; Nisei soldiers; platoon; rifle; World War Two
14:44 - Recalls friends
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Partial Transcript: In Frank's squad, he is closest to George Uchimiya, Tom Matsushita, and Kats Ibara. At Camp Shelby, Frank is assigned to A Company but moves to K Company. The Platoon Leader is George Nishi. Post-war, George returns to his farm in Hanford. Frank's Lieutenant is Robert Foote. Frank recalls Robert Foote giving his liquor ration to George Nishi. However, George does not drink and gives the alcohol to someone else.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; basic training; Camp Shelby; Japanese American soldiers; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; platoon; post-war; Sergeant; squad; World War Two
17:40 - Recalls basic training
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Partial Transcript: At Camp Shelby, the 25-mile hike is the toughest part of basic training. Frank recalls the summer heat and carrying a full pack of about 30 pounds. Frank does basic training for about five months before getting notice he is going overseas. He does two years of battle. Frank leaves from Virginia on a Liberty Ship. The voyage takes approximately 29 days because they are trying to avoid submarines.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Camp Shelby; Japanese Americans; Nisei; rifle; travel; World War Two
21:18 - Recalls voyage; and Italy
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Partial Transcript: Frank does not get seasick on the voyage. The Liberty Ship stops at Sicily, Italy to get water. At this point, Sicily is already conquered. Then Frank lands at Salerno, Italy, and the German bombers are dropping bombs at the harbor. Frank and his squad are camping below a British airfield. Next, they travel to Anzio, Italy, and then to Rome "open city." Open city means no battle or fighting. Frank says Cassino is bombed because the Germans use that area for observation. In addition, Cassino is where the 100th takes a beating. Frank's first fire happens north of Rome and he sees a dead body for the first time. This is a moment he cannot forget.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 100th; 442nd; artillery; artillery fire; European Theater; German soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Japanese Americans; Killed in Action; Nisei; rifle; Rome; World War Two
25:15 - Discusses wounded
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Partial Transcript: Frank discusses seeing his American soldiers being killed in action (KIA). You have to be alert because you are being fired at. Frank describes war life. James Okubo is the only medic in their platoon. In each platoon, there is one medic. The day after the Last Battalion, Frank encounters a mortar barrage (Vosges Mountain) and is hit in four places on his body. James helps him, and Frank wakes up in the hospital. Frank says it feels good to have his clothes off since he has not changed clothes in months.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: artillery fire; European Theater; German soldiers; Killed in Action; mortar; platoon; Rome; Vosges; World War Two
28:50 - Recalls Hill 140
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Partial Transcript: One of the earliest battles for Frank is Hill 140. Frank describes the mortar fire and John Matsudaira is hit in the stomach. Dick Naito helps John off the mountain. Frank reflects on Ted Tanouye. Ted receives his Medal of Honor for Hill 140. Frank also talks about James Okubo (medic) and recalls them putting up a tent together. James is from Seattle north of Ballard.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; artillery fire; European Theater; German soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Medal of Honor; mortar; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; rifle; Seattle; World War Two
34:09 - Discusses limited service; and last push
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Partial Transcript: In October 1944, Frank is wounded and placed into limited service to take care of mortar pools. Frank has to take care of the broken tanks and trucks not suited for combat. Frank hears the 442nd is going back to Italy and asks his Captain if he can go back with the outfit. Frank receives approval and is assigned back to K Company. Frank is still on limited service and did not participate in the last push. Frank discusses the Gothic Line and says he hears the story from Daniel Inouye.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; European Theater; German soldiers; Italy; Japanese American soldiers; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; Prisoners of War
37:59 - Discusses Gothic Line; and eggplant
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Partial Transcript: Frank recalls the civilians knowing the war is over before he did. Frank did not interact with civilians much because he is in battle. However, Frank says the civilians seem to know more about the war status than they did. Food is scarce during wartime, and Frank recalls James Okubo finding eggplants. James uses his helmet to collect the eggplants to make tsukemono. Frank says James used the same helmet for the eggplant and to soak hid athlete's foot. When they are walking, Germans open fire, and James dumps the eggplant and puts on his helmet. Despite wartime being a dark period, there are some happy moments for Frank. He sees a lot of first things in Italy that he has not seen before.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; artillery fire; European Theater; German soldiers; Japanese Americans; Nisei; World War Two
41:36 - Discusses German; and American equipment
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Partial Transcript: Frank compares basic training to being in battle. He also compares German equipment versus American equipment. Frank recalls sleeping in wet clothing in a foxhole. He says you cannot take off your boots.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; artillery fire; European Theater; foxhole; German soldiers; Japanese Americans; mortar; Nisei; rifle; shrapnel; World War Two
46:23 - Discusses trench foot; and shower
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Partial Transcript: Frank discusses trench foot. He says the Hawaiian soldiers have trench foot frequently. Returning from the front lines, Frank says the can shower. Frank says he did not get to shower because they are called to assist with the Lost Battalion. The shower accommodation is in a trailer, and the space is open. Frank says he carries new socks with him but did not have a chance to wear them.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: European Theater; Hawaiian soldiers; Japanese Americans; Lost Battalion; Mainland soldiers; Nisei; World War Two
49:23 - Discusses senninbari; and discharge
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Partial Transcript: Frank says his mother gives him a senninbari and a small prayer book for protection. Frank learns the war has ended from the Italian civilians. When Frank is in the mortar pool unit, there are Prisoners of War working there. Frank says there are young and old German soldiers. At Camp Shelby, he goes to Dalton, Alabama. In Dalton, that is where the African Corps is. The German soldiers are tall. Frank goes home after a month or two when the war ends. You can go home early depending on the point system. Frank is discharged at the end of November.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: German soldiers; Japanese American soldiers; Japanese identity and values; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; Prisoners of War; World War Two
53:05 - Recalls homecoming
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Partial Transcript: Frank goes back to the United States on a hospital ship Army Ship USS Man. On the voyage back home, there is a storm, and Frank gets seasick. Frank goes to a secret camp before going back to Seattle. In Europe, Frank did not travel or go sightseeing. Frank is happy to hear the war is over. He is looking forward to going home, and he is worried about his parents. At Fort Douglas, Utah, Frank is discharged. Frank goes back to Seattle with Art Susumu. Then he goes to Chicago. In Chicago, Frank meets his wife and has a son.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: 442nd; family; Issei; Japanese Americans; Minidoka; Nisei; post-war; siblings; wedding