0:00 - Boxing career
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2:59 - Boxing career II
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6:02 - Friendship with Ted Ohira
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8:49 - Travel in the Army
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11:46 - 100th/442nd legacy
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14:49 - Experiences with General Mark Clark
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17:53 - Experiences with General Mark Clark II
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20:32 - Being around the 100th/442nd
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23:46 - Discharge from the Army
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26:26 - Finding a job after the war
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29:38 - Finding a job after the war II
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32:38 - Finding a job after the war III
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34:50 - Family background
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37:41 - Traveling to Japan, marriage background
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40:30 - Traveling to Japan II
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43:45 - Traveling to Japan III
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45:39 - Discussing Army experiences
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48:09 - Childhood reflections, advice for future generations
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51:01 - Nisei soldier brotherhood
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54:14 - Experiences in Europe
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56:53 - Experiences in Europe II
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