0:00 - Experiences in junior high and high school/Living with his mother after his parents separated/Learning different languages

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: college; Colorado; Denver; education; family; friendship; high school; Iowa; junior high; kanji; Latin; Los Angeles; parents; separated


5:49 - His close friends Frank and George

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Americans of Japanese Ancestry; family; friendship; high school; hotel; Syrian


8:57 - He and his close friends during high school/Excelling academically during high school

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: academics; education; high school; higher education; top student; UCLA


10:33 - Learning Japanese and being more fluent than his Japanese-American friend Frank/Beginning to learn Japanese

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: classes; friendship; Japanese language; UCLA


16:18 - Language experience helping him learn Japanese/Common threads between Japanese and other languages/History of Japanese written language

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Camp Savage; French; German; Japanese language; Kanji; Native American language; reading; Russian; speaking; wizard; writing


20:20 - Appeal of learning different languages/Pressure of language school/An excellent linguist he met

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: communication; English; friendship; infantry; Japanese language; Kanji; mother; Nikkei; post-war; pressure


23:55 - Starting Japanese language classes after Hitler invaded Poland in 1939/Grasp on the language/Observations on language and culture

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: college; culture; culture shock; higher education; Hitler; invasion; Kanji; memories; Poland; wife


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