0:00 - Experience in the Philippines

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Keywords: American uniforms; Commissioned Officer; Filipino officers; Japanese Army; Nisei soldiers


5:21 - Orders to go to Japan

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Keywords: Bataan; C54 plane; General MacArthur; surrender of Japan


7:35 - Arrival at Atsugi Air Field

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Keywords: airplane; Kempeitei; military police; Okinawa; Yokohama


10:48 - Stay at the New Grand Hotel in Yokohama

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Keywords: devastation; food; Soviets; Tokyo Rose


16:13 - Signing of the Termination of War treaty

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Keywords: interpreter; Nisei officer; Tokyo Bay; USS Missouri


18:55 - Situating a permanent general headquarters in Tokyo

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Keywords: Chief of Staff; Dai-ichi Building; General MacArthur; General Marshall; Imperial Palace; interpreter; Japanese officials; starvation


22:41 - Lodging assignments in occupied Japan

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Keywords: interpreters; NYK Building; Teikoku Imperial Building; translators


23:52 - Efforts to improve socioeconomic conditions in post-war Japan

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Keywords: Black Market; China; general headquarters; Japanese government; Manchuria; mess hall


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