0:00 - Introduction/ Parents' background/ Farming

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Keywords: acres; Azusa; broccoli; cabbage; carrots; cauliflower; citrus; corn; crops; demeanor; family; farmer; farming; father; Fruitland; grove; kids; Kin; lettuce; migration; mother; Okinawa; oranges; parents; peas; potatoes; religious; strict; village; war; work


4:37 - Father and mother's demeanor/ Mischief and punishment as a youth

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Keywords: "whippings"; bailing wire; barbed-wire; Christianity; food; fundamentalists; gardener; housing; Japanese; Japanese Americans; Japanese Holiness Church; lemon; lemon grove; Les Miserables; life; magazines; mischief; Model-T; multiple sclerosis; Nakada; neighborhood; neighbors; punishment; quiet; religion; school; sewing machine; strict; tree; war; wheelchair; work


10:42 - Familial makeup/ Growing up on a farm

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Keywords: acres; backyard; brothers; bus; cultivating; duties; farm; football; games; George; Grace; Hannah; harvesting; Henry; hoeing; Iko; irrigation; Jim; John; land; leasing; Minoru; Monrovia; Saburo; school; sisters; Steven; tenants; weeds; Yoshinawa; Yoshiyo


14:13 - Neighborhood farmers and ethnic make up/ Familial holiday celebrations

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Keywords: "rice pounding"; Buddhism; Caucasian; celebrations; Christianity; churches; ethnicity; family; farmers; foods; holidays; Los Angeles; mochi; New Years Day; picnic food; rural; shoyu; traditions


17:13 - Early education and friends/church ceremonies and functions

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Keywords: Azusa; Center School; church; Dutchers; educators; elementary school; Ellingtons; friends; Haines'; Japanese language school; Kin; Okinawa; picnic; primary education; softball; Spauldings; sports; teachers; theater plays; truck; Wilsons; youth


21:37 - Japanese decor in the home/ Having a large family

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Keywords: California; cooker; family; heritage; high school; home; house; junior high school; kettles; kids; letters; mother; Okinawa; parents; pregnant; Raleigh; rice; teapots; western


24:09 - High school experiences-- social activities, athletics and academics

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: academic clubs; academics; activities; athletics; chemistry; Covina; Covina Union High School; dances; dating; football; Hakujin; high school; higher education; Jim Wigs; minerals club; picnics


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