0:00 - Applying to Southern Pacific Railroad and the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath
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3:00 - The Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath II and friend in intelligence service
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6:00 - Friend in intelligence service II, the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath III, and Japanese American Citizenship League (JACL)
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9:00 - Japanese American Citizenship League II and experiences with discrimination
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12:00 - Experiences with discrimination II and forced removal
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15:00 - Forced removal II
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18:00 - Forced removal III and journey to train depot
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21:00 - Journey to train depot II and journey to Santa Anita Temporary Dentition Center
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24:00 - Journey to Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center II
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27:00 - Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center II, living conditions in Topaz Concentration Camp, and employment at Topaz
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