0:00 - Nisei captain who had private audience with Japanese Emperor/Work in counterintelligence after World War II

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: CIC; communications; counterintelligence; Counterintelligence Corps; disguise; Emperor; field office; General Douglas MacArthur; interpreter; interrogate; Japanese clothing; Japanese shoes; language aid; Nisei; Nisei soldiers; police; radio; repatriation; Russians; Sapporo; Soviet Union


5:04 - A notable counterintelligence operation

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Keywords: 5th Regimental Combat Team; Chinese soldiers; Communists; Counterintelligence; Korean War; officer; sensitive operations; Soviet Union


6:29 - Becoming "one of the guys" at headquarters in the 45th Infantry Division

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: 45th Division; bear; camaraderie; CIC; Counterintelligence Corps; equipment; headquarters; Hokkaido; Oklahoma City; Yokohama


8:59 - Going to Korea and serving in the Korean War/Serving in a division that had only Nisei members

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Keywords: 45th Infantry Division; house boys; Korea; Korean War; Nisei; Seattle


11:23 - Concern with the involvement of Japan and its nationals in Korea/Getting citations for his subordinate officers/Nearly receiving an award

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Keywords: Army Commendation; Bronze Star; citations; house boys; Korea; Korean War; Legion of Merit Medal; Soviet Union


14:48 - Bumping into Colonel Young-Oak Kim during travels after the end of World War II

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Keywords: Colonel Young-Oak Kim; Korean War; reunion; Young-Oak Kim


16:03 - Conducting investigations under Article 15/Rotating to many different locations under different positions throughout military career

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: 500th MI Group; Article 15; Baltimore; Clandestine Operations; classified documents; Europe; faculty; family; Fort Holabird; investigation; Italy; Japan; Kyoto; Major; pawn shop; saxophone; teaching; theft; World War Two


22:17 - Working in Clandestine Operations at the Army Headquarters in Europe/Different degrees of interrogation tactics/Experiences working cases as an investigator under Article of War 15

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: 3rd degree methods; accusations; Article of War 15; Clandestine Operations; double agent; Europe; General Bruce C. Clark; headquarters; interrogate; interrogation methods; lawsuit; Lieutenant Colonel; major; Soviet Union; staff action


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