0:00 - Traveling to Europe
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2:43 - Traveling II; and first experiences in Europe
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4:58 - Meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team; and first combat experiences
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7:32 - Advice from Nisei soldiers; and discussing duties during Champagne Campaign
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9:59 - Champagne Campaign II; and discussing French civilians
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13:05 - Getting wounded; and experiences with enemy fire
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15:13 - Hospital stay; discussing office job; and re-joining company
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17:42 - Discussing Gothic Line
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20:20 - Friendships with fellow soldiers; and going to Lake Como
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22:25 - Assignment processing German POWs; and discussing contraband
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24:23 - Receiving goods while at Topaz; and German POWs II
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26:23 - Discussing black market; and battalion and company assignment
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