0:00 - Fighting in the village and neighborhood ethnicities

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Keywords: Americans of Japanese Ancestry; culture; fights; Filipinos; food; races; village


2:52 - Cock fighting and gambling

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Keywords: betting; cock fighting; fighting; gambling; game cock


4:33 - Identifying as an American and values

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Keywords: family; Japanese identity and values; mother; pineapple; shame


7:15 - Story of from Second Sino-Japanese War

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Keywords: Chinese; hero; Japanese; Japanese soldiers; samurai; Sino-Japanese War; war


9:56 - Practicing as Buddhist and childhood activities

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Keywords: Buddhism; Buddhist; church; cowboys; emperor; Indians; slingshot


12:40 - Childhood nicknames and high school activities

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Keywords: activities; car; high school; nickname; swimming; transportation


15:14 - Fishing and making tools

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Keywords: beach; diving; fish; fishing; octopus; spear


18:01 - Minimal prejudice prior to World War II

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Keywords: Filipino; Haole; Hawaii; Japanese; prejudices; races; teachers


20:13 - Aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack

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Keywords: Americans of Japanese Ancestry; bombing; fishing; Hawaii; Pearl Harbor; reactions; restrictions; soldiers


23:33 - Life after high school

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Keywords: bakery; blackout; emperor; high school; plantation; rationing; rations


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