0:00 - Recalls Dec 7
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Partial Transcript: On December 7, 1941, Eddy sold their harvest at the free market and heard about Pearl Harbor. Eddy was in shock and felt things would go back to normal the next day. When he leaves the market, he senses people are looking at him and other Nisei farmers. Then someone says derogatory things to him. At home, Eddy's parents hear about Pearl Harbor from their neighbors and get rid of everything related to Japan in their house.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: "Jap"; Americans of Japanese Ancestry; farming; Japanese Americans; Nisei; Pearl Harbor; racism
3:10 - Recalls FBI; and Hawaii
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Partial Transcript: The following day after the Pearl Harbor attack, the FBI came to pick up Eddy's father. A few days later, Eddy's father returned home. Eddy goes to school on Monday, and his peers have sympathy for the Japanese Americans. However, on the bus ride to school, Eddy experiences racism. Eddy's mother encourages him to continue going to school despite the negative experience. Eddy mentions he was familiar with Pearl Harbor and Hawaii because he has relatives living there.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: discrimination; education; Issei; Issei parents; Japanese Americans; Pearl Harbor; racism
6:20 - Recalls racism; and Japanese items
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Partial Transcript: Eddy describes experiencing racism after the Pearl Harbor attack and does not react. He recalls one incident when a guy would not stop confronting him, and he used judo for self-defense. Eddy learned judo when he lived in Japan for a few years. When Eddy's parents hear about Pearl Harbor, Eddy says this father is a typical Japanese man and does not have any facial expressions about the news. However, his mother was expressive about her concerns and wanted to remove any Japanese items from the house. Eddy helps his parents destroy any Japanese belongings from their home.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: "Jap"; Issei parents; Japanese Americans; Nisei; Pearl Harbor
10:13 - Recalls high officials
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Partial Transcript: Before going to Japan in the 1930s, Eddy recalled drawing Emperor Ito on a white horse and his father punishing him. Eddy says it is a disrespect to draw Emperor Ito. When Eddy returns from Japan to the United States, he gradually starts to feel accepted. He did not have a connection with Japan, even though Japan was his ancestral home. Eddy recalls President Roosevelt's speech after Pearl Harbor. Eddy feels disbelief that the Japanese Americans are not considered citizens of the United States.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Issei parents; Japanese Americans; Nisei; Pearl Harbor
13:43 - Discusses citizenship; and FBI
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Partial Transcript: After the Pearl Harbor attack and President Roosevelt's speech, the feeling of Eddy's parents is shikata ga nai. Although they are not citizens of the United States, they acted like good citizens. Eddy's parents followed the law and are honest hard-working people. Eddy recalls when the FBI comes to question his father since he visited Japan in the 1930s. Eddy helps his father with the translations. Eddy's father explains he has no affiliation with Japanese organizations. He returned back to the United States because he opposed the militarization of Japan. Eddy's father is released from FBI custody after realizing he is not a spy.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Issei parents; Japanese Americans; Nisei; Pearl Harbor
17:20 - Recalls evacuation
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Partial Transcript: Eddy says when the FBI comes to his home to question his father, they did not take off their shoes. Eddy says this is not a custom in their family. The FBI searched their home but did not find anything. When Eddy is 18, evacuation orders are posted, and their neighbor takes them to camp. The neighbor also took care of the Kurushima's pets (cat and dog). Eddy says his family did not sell many of their belongings. However, they sold their crops to the Chinese American farmer.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Executive Order 9066; Issei parents; Japanese Americans; Nisei; Pearl Harbor; World War Two
20:40 - Recalls Fresno Fair Grounds
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Partial Transcript: Eddy discusses what he can carry to camp. He takes his art supplies, and his sister takes her accordion. Eddy did not graduate from his senior class in high school because of evacuation. The Kurushima family was at the Fresno Fair Grounds Relocation Center for six months. At the relocation center, Eddy draws cartoons for the newspaper.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: "evacuation"; Executive Order 9066; family; high school; Issei parents; Japanese Americans; Nisei; siblings; World War Two
23:43 - Discusses Jerome
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Partial Transcript: At camp, Eddy continues his art by drawing illustrations of stories in the newspaper. Since he did not graduate high school, he surrounded himself with educated people to keep learning. After six months in Fresno, Eddy and his family go on a train to Jerome, AR. He recalls there are guards with guns, and the windows are blackout during the ride.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: "evacuation"; education; Fresno; higher education; Japanese Americans; Nisei; World War Two
26:47 - Discusses camp; and propaganda
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Partial Transcript: Eddy describes his first day at Jerome. Guards towers and barbed wires are surrounding the camp. Moreover, the guards are armed with guns and the guns are aimed inside the camp not outside. Eddy says Jerome looks like a prison and wonders how long will they be in camp for. In the East Coast, they did not know what a Japanese Americans look like. Eddy says peoples' perceptions are based on propaganda. He recalls the reactions of the white people when they got off the bus.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: barracks; interment camp; Issei; Japanese Americans; Nisei; World War Two