0:00 - Champagne Campaign

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Keywords: Injury; letter bearer; Red Cross; siblings; V-Mail


3:00 - Communication with family, Champagne Campaign continued, and interactions with locals continued

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Keywords: Coffee shop; Nice; Palo Alto; Readers Digest; reading


6:00 - Interactions with locals continued and the last push in Italy

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Keywords: 442nd Regimental Combat Team; black market; cigarettes; gambling; money


9:00 - The last push in Italy continued, the Gothic Line, and USO shows

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Keywords: Frank Sinatra; injury; mortar; mountain; Shirley McClain


12:00 - USO shows continued, medic work, and the end of World War Two

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Keywords: Discharge; enemy fire; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; letter bearer; Pearl Harbor


15:00 - End of World War Two continued and final military duties

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Keywords: German soldiers; guard; Pisa; post-war; Prisoners of War


18:00 - Final military duties continued, journey home, and wife

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Keywords: Carrier; fiancé; Gila River; mess hall; New York


21:00 - Wife continued, return to California, and fathers immigration story

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Keywords: Family; farming; Japan; marriage; Oregon


24:00 - Fathers immigration story continued, correspondence with wife during wartime, and brothers military career

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Keywords: Family; Japan; siblings; V-mail; World War Two


26:11 - Brothers military career continued and nephews military career and life

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Keywords: Business administration; discharge; Oregon State University; Portland; Vietnam


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