0:00 - Assignment in Rangoon; and experiences staying at a mission house
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3:39 - Discussing experiences while with British outfit, working with airplanes; and sightseeing in Rangoon
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6:14 - Discussion of Burmese civilians, leaving Rangoon for other assignments, and returning to the U.S. after the War
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11:24 - Discussing thoughts about the end of World War Two; and civilians in India
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14:32 - Discussion about language and using airplane terminology
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15:18 - Receiving a leave post-war; and being discharged
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17:14 - Experiences with racism
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19:04 - Going to Southwestern University, employment with The State of California; and meeting wife
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21:20 - Settling in Monterey Park; and discussion about family
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22:31 - Thoughts for future generations regarding life pre-World War Two
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23:45 - Visiting Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp
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25:38 - Describing best and worst experiences during the war; and importance of passing story on to future generations
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