0:00 - Discussing life plans before the Pearl Harbor attack; going to college; and military career as an Officer Reserve Corp I
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3:01 - Discussing life plans before the Pearl Harbor attack; going to college; and military career as an Officer Reserve Corp II
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4:50 - Discussing life plans before the Pearl Harbor attack; going to college; and military career as Officer Reserve Corp III
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7:02 - Recalling digging trenches; and help manufacturing bunny masks after Pearl Harbor bombing
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9:58 - Recall volunteering for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team (442nd)
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12:17 - Discussing being accepted into the 442nd Regimental Combat Team (442nd); and shipped to the Mainland I
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15:20 - Discussing being accepted into the 442nd Regimental Combat Team (442nd); and shipped to the Mainland II
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16:15 - Recalling Camp Shelby I
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19:11 - Recalling Camp Shelby II
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21:08 - Discussing Officers in 442nd Regimental Combat Team (442nd)
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22:56 - Discussing the relationship between Island Boys and Mainland Boys
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24:50 - Discussing the experience with the town peoples near Camp Shelby
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