0:00 - First time using gun and taking out a machine gun nest

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: behind enemy lines; combat; company; enemy; experience; fire fight; firing; Gun; lieutenant; line of fire; machine gun nests; mortars; orders; ravine; retreat; rifle; rifle clips; road block; sergeant; sniper; squad sergeant; task force; tracers


6:04 - First time killing an enemy soldier

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Keywords: aim; clip; effect; enemy; fire; job; kill; position; rifle; shoot; soldier; squad


7:27 - Combat conditions, hygiene, and rations

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: ammunition; bandolier; bathing; beards; breakfast; C-rations; camping; chicken; clips; clothes; cold; combat; conditions; English; experience; food; foxholes; freezing; grenade; guard; Hawaiian; hill; hygiene; Italian; miserable; night; patrol; powdered eggs; primative; smell; squadmate; weather; weight


12:10 - Bartering for food and other civilian interactions/ Luck in war

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: Allied; Axis opposition; barter; biscuits; c-rations; chickens; cigarettes; civilians; deceased; deviled ham; friends; German patrol; Italian; K-rations; litter bearer; luck; medics; partisans; red cross; soldier; stations; trade; vegetables; village; women; wounded


16:01 - Reaction to war's end/ Discharge and journey home

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Keywords: discharge; end; Fairfield, California; feelings; German soldiers; happy; home; Italy; Japan; Livorno; months; mother; news; Pennsylvania Ave; phone; point system; points; POW; President Truman; prisoner of war camp; Red Cross; regiment; relief; replacement; Salt Lake City; San Francisco; Stars and Stripes; surrender; train; University of Utah; war


18:46 - Homecoming and finding a job at USPS

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Keywords: 442; business college; children; civilian clothes; discharge; education; Fairfield; GI Bill; home; job; Military Intelligence Service; minorities; MIS; mother; possibilities; post office; Seattle; twenty; uncle; uniform; USPS


21:07 - Post-war job at US Post Office and GI Bill/ Wife and family

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: actor; advancement; Asian Counseling and Referral Service; Asian-Americans; atmosphere; babysit; Boeing; children; civil rights; clerk; community; daughter; Director of Asian Pacific Legal Consortium; drugs; education; family; fiancée; GI Bill; granddaughter; Japanese; Japanese-American; mail truck; management; married; mother-in-law; Nisei; opposition; physical; post office; pride; school; son; TB; thirty; tuberculosis; University; USPS; Washington DC; wife


25:45 - Reticence about war experience/ Civil Rights Movement and job opportunities

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Segment Synopsis:

Keywords: advancement; building block; children; civil rights movement; education; engineers; future; generation; non-white; post office; race; reaction; school; stories; war experience


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