0:57 - Introduction and parents' history/ Family
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Keywords: brothers; California; Cincinnati; contract laborer; evade draft; family; father; golf course; Hawaii; Hayashi Camp; Honolulu; immigrated; Japan; Manoa; marriage; Maui; mother; Ohio; Okinawa; parents; siblings; sisters; sugar cane; sugar plantation; Torrance; Waikapu; Walnut Creek; war
5:44 - Childhood in Hawaii/ Japanese language school
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8:07 - Parents and dinnertime lectures
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9:51 - Moving to Okinawa at age 10/ Japanese school
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11:44 - Growing up in Okinawa/ Family's history serving the king
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17:43 - Visiting friends in Okinawa
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19:40 - McKinley High School
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Keywords: academy; baseball; classmates; coach; English; English teacher; football; Fukuhara; graduate; Hashimoto; Hawaii; Hawaiian; Honolulu; Japanese all stars; Maui; McKinley High School; Miles Carey; Military Intelligence Service; MIS; Noboke; principal; secretary; study
23:45 - Working post-high school/ College in Hawaii and California
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Keywords: Bank of Hawaii; banker; California; dish washing; draft; education; graduation; high school; Japan; Japanese language school; job; kitchen; Little John; McKinley High School; Okinawa; San Francisco; San Francisco City College; school-boy; University of Hawaii; work; yard work
26:14 - Basic training/ Post-Pearl Harbor guard duty at San Diego
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Keywords: action; alarm; alert; basic training; bivouac; California; Camp Roberts; Christmas Eve; coastline; company commander; December 7; deployed; draft; duty; fire; foot soldier; Fort Sam Houston; Fresno; gate; gong; guard; guard duty; guns; infantry; inland; integrated; Japanese; Japanese soldiers; Japanese-American; kitchen patrol; KP; landing; Nisei; October 1941; officers; Pearl Harbor; post-war; San Antonio; San Diego; sneak attacks; Texas; war
32:44 - Segregated duties at Fort Sam Houston/ Recommended to MIS
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Keywords: 1947; administration; April; assembly area; battalion officer’s quarters; bivouac; bus; Camp Savage; Colonel Rassmussen; combat; corporal; dental clinic; dental hygienist; ditch; driving; English; Fort Sam; friend; GI’s; gong; graduation; Hawaii; high IQ; Houston; inland; instructor; invasion false alarm; janitorial work; Japanese; Japanese tea gardens; John Iso; kitchen patrol; KP duty; latrine; mainland; major; make beds; medical center; military intelligence service; Minnesota; MIS; move; Nisei; non-combatant duties; Okinawa; pay; penny poker; private; rations; reception center; recommendation; recruit; recruiting center; salary; San Diego; segregated duties; shine shoes; shower; special duty; tent; test; tests; Texas; toilet; trench; uniform; west coast; YMCA
41:20 - MIS training at Camp Savage/ Interrogating prisoners
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Keywords: 1943; abolished; anti-aircraft; army post; barracks; bathroom; Camp Savage; charcoal heater; children; Chinese; classroom; cold; commanding general; conditioning; conversational; cooperative mood; daughters; English; family; flashlights; Fort Snelling; freeze; high school; interpretation; interrogate; interrogation; interrogation material; interrogation techniques; Japan; Japanese army; Japanese language courses; Japanese officer; junior high school; latrine; middle school; military academy; military terms; Okinawa; overseas; positions; POWs; practice; primitive; prisoners of war; requirements; ROTC; satellite; school; shower; smell; student; study; summer; text books; towels; vocabulary; war zones; winter
49:42 - Japanese shame of being captured/ Kindness towards POW's
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Keywords: cigarette; civilians; cooperate; cooperative mood; dishonor; fear; grateful; gratitude; Japanese officer; Japanese soldiers; kill; kindness; mistreatment; name; POW; prisoner; prisoner of war; questions; rank; rare; Saipan; shame; suicide; surrender; torture; training; treatment
53:28 - Japanese war propaganda/ Returning a Japanese soldier's diary
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Keywords: “fight to the death”; battlefield; brainwashed; children; contact; cook; death; Defense Research Institute; diaries; dishonor; disowned; emperor; family; foot soldier; friend; General Kazu; golf; Hawaii; help; Hiroshima; indoctrinated; instructor; interrogation; interrogator; Japan; Japanese soldiers; Kumamoto; newspaper; nursing school; POW’s; prisoner; radio; rank; rebuild; reconstruction; Saipan; security; shame; teach; team; translation; war history section; wife
62:04 - Recalling students Aka taught/ Translating for the American Embassy trip
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66:22 - Working as the Japanese liaison/ Working as Chief of the Interpretive Translator Pool (civilian)
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Keywords: “displays of affection”; Central Liaison Office; Chief of the Interpretive Translator Pool; civilian; Consul General; election; Foreign Ministry; G2; General Whitney; GH2; Government division; Hawaii; home ministry; husbands; interview section; invitations; Japan; Japanese Army; Japanese Constitution; Japanese government; Japanese liaison; Japanese Navy; land reform; May 1947; military; Military Intelligence Service; MIS school; Occupation Government; official; petitioners; Philippines; police reserve; redrafted; reform; repatriation; representatives; reserve; signs; station; trip; women; women’s suffrage
72:55 - Repatriation interviews/ Translating for various Generals and Foreign Ministers
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Keywords: 2nd lieutenant; ambassadors; assignment; Burma theater; Chiba; China; CIC; civilian; commission; converse; English; foreign language; Foreign Ministry; General Eichelberger; General McArthur; General Ridgeway; General Whitney; General Willoughby; Harry Fukuhara; intelligence; interrogate; interview; Japanese Army; Japanese General Harasuwe; Japanese Liaison; Maizuro; Manchuria; military; Nagasaki; Nisei; petitions; rank; repatriation; retirement; Russia; Russian; service; Tokyo; Toyama
77:55 - Becoming a Warrant officer/ Ban on Nisei's receiving commissions during wartime
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Keywords: 1948; Ann Arbor; army; Caucasian; commission; commissioned officers; division head; education; effectiveness; enemy aliens; English; enlisted; graduation; intelligence team; interrogator; interviewer; Japanese; Japanese soldiers; kibei; learn; linguist; linguists; Michigan; Military Intelligence Service; military terms; Minnesota; MIS; MIS school; Nisei; officer rank; officers; order; prohibited; teacher; teaching staff; team leaders; war; Warrant officer
83:34 - Father's arrest and internment/ Mother and family during father's internment
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Keywords: 1941; Arkansas; army; arrest; brother; Camp Jerome; Camp Livingston; cancer; Chicago; children; company; death; English; evacuation; family; father; Fort Sam Houston; internment camps; investigation; Japanese language school teacher; letters; Louisiana; Minneapolis; Minnesota; mother; New Mexico; niece; Pacific Bank; polo shirt; production; professor; released; research; sister; sister-in-law; sons; teacher; Tori Richard company; war end; wife
90:01 - Third person misinterpretations/ The importance of accurate translations
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Keywords: anti-American; Chief of Military Station Office; defense agency; definition; dictionary; draft; F1-04; F1-11; fair; fighter aircraft; Foreign Ministry; friend; impartial; informal decision; interpret; Japan; Japanese Army section; Japanese government; Joint Section; kangaroo court; letter; manned aircraft; memorandum of understanding; misinterpret; misunderstanding; negotiations; night raid; recommendation; survey team; third person; translation; trouble; truth; United States; US Army section; US government; weapons system; Yokohama
98:41 - Nuances in titles by language
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Keywords: American Embassy; apan Defense Agency; briefing; Cabinet Minister; clerk; Defense Agency Minister; Director General; Ginza; Hoover Institute; interpret; interpretation; Japanese Cabinet Organization; massage; mistake; Officer’s residence; Secretary of State; taxi; United States; US Army General; US Forces; visitors
104:37 - Receiving Japan's Order of the Rising Sun award
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Keywords: 1986; award; friends; Japan; Japanese government; Japanese military forces; Japanese Self Defense Force; meritorious service; National Police Reserve; Order of the Rising Sun, golden rays with neck ribbon; photo; pictures; recommendation; relationship; Safety Force; United States; wife
107:41 - Life lessons
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