0:00 - First time smoking and a United States Military encampment
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3:00 - United States Military encampment II and interactions with the Nisei soldiers
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6:00 - Interactions with the Nisei soldiers II, American GIs, and American era in Japan
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9:00 - American Era in Japan II and life in Tokyo
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12:00 - Life in Tokyo II and application to return to the United States
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15:00 - Application to return to the United States II and return to America
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18:00 - Return to America II, Chicago, and applying to college
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21:00 - Applying to college II and higher education
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24:00 - Higher education II
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27:00 - Higher education III, draft, assignment to Japan, and journey to Japan
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30:00 - Journey to Japan II, language exam, changes in Japan, and work as a linguist
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33:00 - Work as a linguist II and Section Commander
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36:00 - Section Commander II, discharge, fathers death, and manager at laundry mat
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39:00 - Manager at laundry mat II, first time meeting wife, marriage, children, and grandchildren
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42:00 - Grandchildren II, work as a linguist III, and interpretation work for the military
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45:00 - Interpretation work for the military II and sharing war stories with family
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48:00 - Sharing war stories with family II, hopes for children and grandchildren, and American era in Japan III
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51:00 - American era in Japan IV and Japanese American interpreters
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