0:00 - Discusses origin; and father
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Partial Transcript: Hiroshi Hershey Miyamura discusses how he received the nickname Hershey. Hershey learned about his parents from other relatives. His father, Yaichi Miyamura, and mother were from Kumamoto, Kyushu, Japan. Hershey's father immigrated to Gallup, N.M. because his sister ran a boarding house for coal miners. When Hershey's father returned to Japan to bring Hershey's mother to America, he was drafted into the Japanese Military. Hershey's father spent two years in Japan. Three years later, after Hershey's older sister was born, Hershey's parents returned to the United States. Hershey's parents settled in Gallup in 1906.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Americans of Japanese Ancestry; draft; family; Issei parents; Nisei; siblings
3:27 - Recalls parents
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Partial Transcript: Hershey discusses the history of how his parents met and the family relationship in Japan. In 1976, Hershey visited his mother's brother to learn more about his mother's past. Hershey lost his mother when he was eleven years old, and his father had to raise seven children alone. Hershey's father was very strict, and he ran a restaurant. The restaurant was in the center of Gallup. Although Hershey ate his meals at the restaurant, he missed family gatherings and eating a meal together.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: child rearing; dating; employment; family; Issei parents; wedding
7:45 - Discusses cafe; mother; and holiday
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Partial Transcript: Hershey explains why his father's restaurant, OK Cafe, only served American dishes. Hershey remembers his mother was loving and well-liked by others. When Hershey's mother passed away, his father raised seven children and ran the cafe. Hershey's father instilled in him to be a good person and citizen. When the children were not in school, they helped at the restaurant. Growing up, Hershey did not talk about his parents. He recalls celebrating the Japanese Emperor's birthday, and Hershey looked forward to the family gathering and food. Hershey loved sushi.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Americans of Japanese Ancestry; child rearing; childhood activities; employment; Issei; Issei parents; Japanese identity and values; Nisei; siblings; social activities
11:53 - Discusses dishes; and family
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Partial Transcript: Growing up, Hershey loves Japanese food, especially sashimi. Hershey had six siblings, five sisters, and a brother. He discusses their relationship and their immediate families.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Americans of Japanese Ancestry; family; Japanese identity and values; Nisei; Sansei
14:34 - Recalls childhood activities I
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Partial Transcript: In junior high school, Hershey had a group of friends, and he was the leader. His favorite sport was boxing. He participated in boxing competitions and school matches. Hershey's favorite hobbies are fishing, hunting, and bowling. He learned about fishing from his cousin.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: fishing; friendship; Japanese Americans; Nisei; sports
17:38 - Recalls childhood activities II
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Partial Transcript: Growing up in Gallup, Hershey was in Boys Scout and was a Senior Scout Master. Gallup was a diverse community, and Hershey was exposed to many ethnicities. Many of the children in the neighborhood are all friends and grew up together. In service, Hershey made many good friends too. The Gallup community was like a family, and there was a warm feeling. However, now Gallup is different with new families.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: Japanese Americans; Nisei; youth organizations
21:01 - Recalls church; and language
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Partial Transcript: In Gallup, Richard Shinto's father, Mr. Shinto, built the first Japanese Methodist Church and Hershey learned about Jesus. Mr. Shinto also brought in a Japanese teacher to teach the children the Japanese language. Hershey spoke a little bit of Japanese and English with his father.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: education; Issei parents; Japanese Americans; Japanese language school; Nisei
23:34 - Discusses ancestry; and friends
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Partial Transcript: Hershey recalls his school years. He had many diverse friends. He was aware of his Japanese ancestry and did not feel different from his peers.
Segment Synopsis:
Keywords: education; friendship; high school; Japanese Americans; Japanese identity and values; Nisei; primary school
26:40 - Recalls first car
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